About SLWC

Our Mission

To share the love of Jesus with as many as possible through camp ministry.

Who We Are and What We Believe

Silver Lake Wesleyan Camp is a Christian Camp near Perth, Ontario (about an hour southwest of Ottawa) that is owned by the Central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church of Canada. You will find more about what we believe and how we aspire to live, by reading about us at: Our Beliefs & Core Values - The Wesleyan Church

What We Do

We run camps and retreats, and host many other groups who do the same. We help people of all ages grow spiritually in a fun-filled and safe place of retreat, adventure, learning and challenge. As a Christian Camp everything we do is rooted in our Biblical convictions about our relationship to God and with one another. Our love for God and his son Jesus, motivates us to "Share the Love of Jesus with as many as possible".

Our Story

The Silver Lake Wesleyan Camp (SLWC) property was purchased in 1957. Our founders had a dream of creating a place where people could come away from their daily routines to be introduced to the “Good News” and or grow and mature in their walk with the Lord. Several families led the charge to purchase the 55 acres for the formation of SLWC.

From the early beginnings of just a few camps run each year starting in 1958, the camp grew and peaked by the mid-seventies. At that time, ½ dozen camps were attended by just over 400 children, youth, and teens. A family camp and conference were also part of the mix of those early years.

While the efforts of those early years had significant impact on lives of many people who attended the camp, numerical decline and aging infrastructure set in after that period of initial excitement and growth.

In the early 2000’s, steps were taken in the expectation that SLWC could be renewed. The attitude was “God is not finished with us yet!”

By 2010, our camper registrations were on the rise and the number of rental groups utilizing our site was on the increase. From a low of 222 camper registrations in 2004, a record number of campers were registered for 2022 (just over 1200.) Equally stunning was the growth of the number of rental groups that use our facility. We now have 38 groups per year renting SLWC facilities.

While we have stepped out in faith and done the necessary work, God has granted the increase.

Our Team

We are committed to establishing and maintaining a welcoming environment. Our staff are well trained to mentor and guide in all aspects of camp life, from developing skills to engaging in conversations about life and faith. We recognize that we live in a world where people have many different beliefs, perspectives and practices. We commit to treat all guests, leaseholders, campers and fellow staff members with dignity and respect.

Respecting Earthly Authorities

SLWC is committed to the dignity and intrinsic value of people and complies with Canadian standards of safety for people of all ages.

SLWC appreciates the protections the Canadian Constitution affords religious organisations to practise and live out their beliefs. While not a complete list, SLWC complies with the requirements of:

  • Federal and Provincial Taxation Requirements -- As a Registered Charity, SLWC abides by Federal and Provincial laws and regulations. This includes requirements to collect and submit HST, to deduct and submit from employee’s pays, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Worker’s Compensation and Tax Deducted, and to file information returns reporting on our financial activities.

  • Employment Standards -- SLWC employs over 50 people throughout the year. SLWC complies with federal and provincial employment requirements. These include the following topics (not an exhaustive list); vacation leave, hours of work including specific guidelines for employment at Camps, minimum wage, severance pay and termination requirements, public holidays and maternity and parental leave.

  • Health and Safety -- As a camp that welcomes 1000’s of people of all ages to our site each year, including many children, SLWC ensures that their stay here will be safe. Provincial authorities provide guidance for the many areas of “Camping” where the safeguarding of people’s well-being is important. Areas covered by these authorities include:
    • Waterfront and lifeguarding safety
    • Activity structures for our campers
    • Emergency procedures in the event of an emergency (i.e. tornado warning)
    • First Aid - While the minimum requirement is to have an individual on site during our core camping season that has First Aid Training, for most of our weeks we typically have someone on site whose training exceeds that minimum requirement – i.e. they are a nurse

  • Drinking Water and Septic Systems -- SLWC operates what is considered a small drinking water facility. The camp follows 22 established protocols to ensure the safety of drinking water. Water is treated, tested, and measured. Water usage is recorded. Waste water is measured according to government standards and an annual report of waste water usage is filed.

    The camp wide septic solution that launched in 2022 was approved by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change authorities.

  • Food Services and Hospitality -- Serving upwards of 30,000 meals each year, SLWC ensures that at all times when food is served, a staff member that holds the appropriate food handlers certificate is present. SLWC accommodates many specific foods requests, such as dairy and or gluten free. Menus ensure that campers are served “healthy’ foods during their time with us.

    SLWC lodging rooms (dorms, motel style, cabin etc.) are cleaned regularly and inspected by the health authorities.

  • Building Codes -- The camp has 23 buildings that help us serve the 1000’s of people that visit us each year. New buildings are constructed to code. For some of our buildings the requirements are more stringent. SLWC is located adjacent to a lake, and the conservation authorities provide consultation in certain aspects of infrastructure development. Existing buildings are maintained to ensure guests are safe.

  • Human Rights -- Thousands of people visiting SLWC are treated with dignity and respect, recognizing that we live in a world where people have many different beliefs, perspectives and practices.

    At the forefront of our concern is the need to protect the children who participate in camping programs and activities. SLWC has developed and implemented a significant Child Protection Policy, to guard against abuse and ensure our staff engage appropriately with our campers. SLWC takes scripture seriously when it warns against leading any “child” astray.

    Christians are called to be at the forefront of treating all people with dignity and respect. For that reason, SLWC adopts the same spirit and attitudes that historically led Christians to work toward the abolishment of slavery, establish hospitals and launch institutions of Higher education.

    SLWC practices an egalitarian approach towards women and men in leadership.